W E A S K E D . . .
They Said They Love It.
A better birth. For you and your baby.
Y O U + S O S H E
How you prepare matters. SoShe can help.
20 Educational VideosIn-person birth classes can be hours of information overload. How much will you actually remember?
With SoShe, you go at your own pace, on your own schedule. Watch with your partner, and re-watch the most important lessons anytime. Most videos are 5-15 minutes long. The coping skills videos are 20-25 minutes. Every video is carefully crafted and expert reviewed by physicians, midwives, doulas, and childbirth educators who have helped thousands prepare for birth. |
Interactive Birth Plan BuilderIt's true, you can't plan or control exactly how your birth will go.
An effective birth plan is a request for specific types of support from the nurses, doctors, and midwives leading your care - on the things that matter most to you. We focus on the most important topics, and provide a Q&A format that automatically populates your birth plan printout Skeptical about birth "plans"? We get it, and we talk about that too. |
Coping Skills DemosThe goal is for your toolkit of coping skills to be second nature when you're in labor. So we teach you, and guide you through practice.
Build your muscle memory. Build your intuition. Build your confidence. Every video lesson ends with a self-care practice you can use during labor. |
The Basics and BeyondWe've got the basics covered, from Early Labor at home through Pushing & Birth and Newborn Care. We cover Cesareans, Induction, and NICU (just in case).
We also teach the things no one else seems to tell you: How to know if labor is progressing without knowing how dilated you are. How to protect your body during birth. How to find your voice and be a part of the decision-making process. |
Optional 1-1 SupportSoShe offers partner-inclusive, virtual coaching to help you build the confidence and toolkit you need for birth.
Get help building your birth plan. Practice coping techniques together. Do a labor rehearsal. Talk through your questions or fears. Role play so you're ready to ask questions and self-advocate. You choose your coach. All coaches are certified as doulas and/or childbirth educators and can bring your the personalized, expert support you need. |
Less fear. More confidence.
W H A T ' S Y O U R P L A N ?
Whether you're 15 weeks or 35 weeks, now is the time to prepare.
P R E P A R E . T O G E T H E R .
SoShe is partner-inclusive. Watch the videos. Build a birth plan. Get ready. Together.
F R E E T O G E T S T A R T E D .
Build Your Birth Plan (Free)
Not sure what birth prep looks like for you? Or just want to preview SoShe? Get started with the free birth plan builder.
You'll get a taste of the educational content (including free videos!) and the interactive Q&A that helps you build your plan. You might be surprised to see how much you can learn in just 5-10 minutes of prep. And how much more there is to consider. |
Do you qualify for Medicaid, WIC, or SNAP?You may qualify for FREE access to SoShe's online birth class through our Access For All Program.
L E T ' S D O T H I S .
Ready to get ready?
Whether you're 15 weeks or 35 weeks, now is the time to prepare. SoShe can help.